Herzing大学 offers students a unique educational experience with career-focused classes, 方便安排, 以及充满爱心的教职员工. We meet you wherever you are in life 和 provide you with the real-world skills you need to get ahead in today's economy. Get the facts about the Herzing difference below, then talk to an 顾问 从今天开始你的职业生涯.
- Founded by Henry 和 Suzanne Herzing in 1965, our family legacy continues with daughter, Herzing蕾妮, 作为总统.
- First post-secondary institution focused on preparing students for careers in the computer industry.
- Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). For further information about the Higher Learning Commission visit: www.hlcommission.org.
- Is a private nonprofit institution as of January 2015.
- 超过40 本科 幸运28计划 技术, 业务, 医疗保健, 公共安全.
- 几个 硕士幸运28计划,包括 工商管理硕士课程 和9 MSN专门化.
- 11 位置 和一个 在线业务.
- 许多 护理学位途径从入门级到DNP
- Varied continuing education options through our local campuses.
- 学生 can earn a bachelor's 和 master's degree in just four years.
- 14:1 student-faculty ratio average.
- Over 6,000 students attend Herzing annually.
- 4.8万名校友,人数还在增加.