

Choose a rewarding nursing specialty

到2021年,这一数字将超过3.600万婴儿 出生 in the United States—Labor 和 Delivery (L&D)护士是确保这些婴儿健康快乐出生的关键. L&护士在怀孕的各个阶段为孕妇提供支持,帮助她们安全分娩. 如果你喜欢医疗保健领域,能够批判性地思考,并在压力下保持冷静,那么L的工作&D护理可能是一个很好的选择.

Here are the steps you can take to become a 分娩和分娩 nurse.

分娩护士 Holding Infant 和 Smiling with New Parents

1. Underst和 the job duties/responsibilities

Labor 和 delivery nurses care for pregnant women, 协助接生婴儿, 提供产后护理. 他们和产科医生一起工作, 妇产科医师, 妇产科医生和其他医疗保健提供者确保母亲和婴儿的需求都得到满足.

分娩护士专注于母亲及其婴儿的健康和福祉. L&护士在怀孕期间为孕妇提供教育和支持, provide nursing care during labor 和 after the birth of the baby



  • 在怀孕期间监测母亲和婴儿,并与医生和其他医疗保健专业人员一起制定个性化的护理计划
  • 订购产前面板实验室检查(如血糖水平和血型和Rh因子)
  • Teach expectant 和 new mothers about women’s health 和 newborn care
  • 为母亲提供孕期不同阶段的信息
  • 评估护理的有效性,满足母亲不断变化的需求, 新生儿和额外的家庭
  • Provide educational 和 emotional support during the pregnancy


  • Monitor 和 time contractions during 分娩和分娩
  • 使用硬膜外麻醉和其他药物来帮助母亲控制分娩过程中的疼痛
  • Assist the doctor 和 medical staff in inducing labor
  • Monitor the vital signs of the mother 和 the heart rate of the baby
  • Provide support, encour年龄ment 和 comfort throughout the labor
  • 识别分娩过程中可能出现的并发症(例如,服用的药物)
  • Prepare for planned or emergency cesarean (c-section) deliveries
  • Coach mothers on breastfeeding 和 newborn care

In addition to these skills, it’s important for L&D护士 to have traits such as compassion, patience 和 empathy in order to best support their patients. L&D护士 must also have the ability to stay calm 和 think critically, so they can effectively communicate information to the doctors 和 team.

产房护士vs. 助产士

分娩护士和助产士有着相似的资历和职责:都是注册护士,都在怀孕期间照顾孕妇,一直到分娩,甚至更长时间. However, midwives have additional education requirements, including:

Where do 分娩和分娩 nurses work?

而分娩护士通常在医院的产房或产科病房工作, they may also work in birthing centers, 母胎医学诊所, physician offices or teaching hospitals. 在医院或诊所,L&D护士工作第一, 第二和第三班, 而在医生办公室工作的护士可能会更规律地朝九晚五地工作.

2. 获得护理学位

要成为一名分娩护士,你必须首先获得护理学位 become a licensed Registered Nurse (RN). Herzing大学提供多种护理学位选择,包括:

  • 护理副学士(ASN): An ASN degree prepares students for entry-level nursing opportunities. It can be completed in less than two years. You may choose an on-campus program or an 在线ASN程序选项,可在选定的U.S. 州.
  • Bachelor of Science in 护理 (BSN): A traditional BSN program generally takes three years, but you may be able to complete it sooner if you have transfer credits. Herzing提供了两者 在线BSN学位课程 还有面对面的选择.
  • 加速BSN: 如果你有一个学士学位,但想追求一个新的职业生涯在护理迅速, an accelerated BSN is a great option.
  • 直接进入MSN程序: 这个幸运28计划是为那些已经获得非护理学士学位并想立即开始攻读护理硕士学位的学生设计的.

现在通过 9月30日

3. 成为注册护士(RN)

在获得护理学位之后, 下一步是参加国家委员会注册护士执照考试(NCLEX-RN)考试.

这个考试是对毕业生在学校接受的护理教育和培训的测试. Once you graduate from an undergraduate nursing program, 通过NCLEX-RN, meet the licensing requirements in the state where you live, 你会 成为持牌注册护士.

4. 获得经验并获得认证

在你成为注册护士之后, it’s important to gain experience working as a 分娩和分娩 nurse. 当你开始你的护理生涯, 你可以担任高级护士的助理,并接受具体的L培训&D areas, such as high-risk pregnancies. 另外, 你也可以与注册护理助理(CNA)一起工作,帮助指导他们的日常工作.

After you have earned two years of experience working, you can continue to grow your career with a specialized certification, 比如RNC-OB.

住院产科护理(RNC-OB) 认证在L中很流行&D护士. 它是为在怀孕期间照顾妇女的产科注册护士设计的, as well as postpartum 和 newborn periods. L&拥有RNC-OB认证的D护士已经证明了胎儿评估的先进知识, 妊娠并发症, 分娩和分娩, 复苏, 产后及新生儿护理.

获得RNC-OB认证, 你会 need two years’ experience working in obstetric, 妇科, or neonatal nursing 和 successfully pass the RNC-OB exam.

5. 考虑发展

证书可以帮助你成为一名高素质的分娩护士, 但你可以继续推进你的教育,并发现新的职业机会与高级护理学位.



作为一名分娩护士, 你可以帮助确保婴儿有一个最好的人生开端,并支持母亲们的新旅程.

而L&D护理 can be an emotionally challenging job, 这也是一个非常有价值的职业,涉及到许多家庭和几代人的生活. 你选择的护理职业之路始于你的教育.

Learn more about the Herzing大学 School of 护理


* Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), U.S. 劳工部, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, geography market in which you want to work 和 degree field, will affect career outcomes 和 earnings. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, 促销活动, salary increase or other career growth.




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